Dr. LaBruna and his staff will give you careful and specific instructions for the hours before and days after your procedure.
1. Aspirin or any aspirin containing medications such as Bufferin, Anacin, Pepto-Bismol, etc., and other blood thinners (NSAIDS) such
2. DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT, the night before your procedure. On the morning of
3. The day before your surgery, the surgical center or hospital will call you to tell you what time to come in. You will be provided with phone numbers to call in case you do not hear from them or you may call the office to check on your appointment time.
4. Please make sure a responsible adult is available to discuss your discharge instructions and escort you home. An adult should be available to you at least 24 hours after the surgery. Please do not bring children with you to the surgical center.
5. Please call the office and make sure a follow-up appointment is scheduled after your procedure.
6. We advise that you leave all your valuables at home.
7. Patients 50 years of age and over, having monitored general anesthesia or IV
8. Dr. LaBruna operates at several facilities. They are:
Manhattan Plastic Surgery, PLLC, 45 E. 85th street, NY, NY 10028, (212) 584-7001
The New York Presbyterian Hospital’s Cantor Ambulatory Center (L-919), 520 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021, (212)746-5111.
Manhattan Eye, Ear, & Throat Hospital, 210 East 64th Street, New York, NY 10021, (212)702-7750 or (212)605-3747.